Bristol 411
28th April 2020
![Bristol 411 Bristol 411](/imgauto/Bristol-411.jpg?id=UDNGOFdTV0xhbFB2ZklwOSttN1QwcUVwQ1VkbnY2MlZuNk1aNTVFRS9PeGpORTlBaTl4L1VFRzFWZ0xXUVkySWkzSDJRTE8yM0x5SHU0Z2FGWGJIaFpzRC83cDVkb0xJQmJRTlFjN25LQ3hVYVp1MmJCTVhOY0lySU9FWXJTKzFJcWhFSkJTNUVCREVteWhhd1NEMk4wSmRzTXhVSkNKSlJVZHhENXpDVnhaUy9ha0FLOFFWZjVjcmVmR3R3dUhWVXErOTFDcld3S01McG5sck1pYWU5QT09)
The Bristol 411 is an imposing car, and this example came to us for a full restoration. The car was fully stripped with all localised rot removed before being replaced or repaired. The transmission and engine received full in-house rebuilds before being mated to a new wiring loom during re assembly. The car also benefited from a full re-trim before being painted in Jaguar Regency Red.